Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Mindy of Tullarmarine

A bit mental - she had that thing on for life as she was unable to beat the addiction of messing with a skin infection.

Opera House


In the Garden

Me just before leaving for home on the bike and Julian cutting the grass in style.

The Kordts Lake

Stunning morning dips.


Punks occupy a disused factory for a night of live acts - along with a severely good atmosphere.

Family Camping

I joined Julian; his dad Ludger; his son Phillip and a group of childhood friends for a bit of camping next to a river in a forest. A very impressive rope swing was built, a huge eel was caught and a lot of good beer got drunk. I carved my name in the same tree that Ludger had made a mark on about thirty years ago with his first girlfriend, and then I found a tree with a hunters watchtower on it - a great place to have a drink and a think.

Beer Pong

A night of beer pong in the dusty old barn, aided by the kind scotch flavoured donations of Margit, Julians step mother. That stuff is wrong.


This has been out of action for some time - before I went to Munsterland it seems. Anyway, as I'm emigrating down to Falmouth for study at the end of the week I probably won't see you ever again so I may aim to continue this as a visual diary, and maybe even a place to put up some moving images.

My laptop is well and truly buggered and I'm still wondering how on earth I will get my photos and words out of it - most importantly the photos and words covering my summer in Germany and briefly The Netherlands and Belgium. I did take a trusty disposable over there though...