Sunday, 16 November 2008


After five days, I still cant put a finger on what makes Sydney Sydney. My Aussie virginity was softly eased from me just five days ago so to start slinging around observations purely relevant to this city would be wrong. That said, one thing is clear. Never have I been in a city of such huge diversity and scale, and felt so unbelievably laid back. You could put it down to the sun, but it's been cloudy. You could put it down to Rolf Harris, but he isn't welcome here anymore.

It'll take some more traveling to work out what is unique to Sydney in terms of character. But, as an introduction to the country that I could never quite picture city-wise at least, it couldn't be more accommodating in it's power to relax. It would be a horrifically disrespectful crime to conclude that this melancholy atmosphere is merely down to "what happens when you combine Britain with the sun". I'm one hundred percent sure there is so much more to it than that and uncovering this inexplainable calm is going to be a great journey I know.

Melbourne is imminent and it'll be interesting when I can start picking up on qualities and quirks local to the city alone, not the country.

Photos/stories/general updates are slow, because I'm generally out and about. That said, please check back regularly for some Hong Kong chunks and stories more specific to down under.


Chris Zammit said...

loving your adventure blog. your vocabulary makes me wet.

Nugg said...

moisture was not intended, sorry if i offended you.